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Contact Us Today: 646-573-9724 | 850 7TH AVE. WEST 54/55TH NYC

Virtual Classes

Virtual Classes

Want To Get Healthy & Fit But Don’t Want to Leave Your Living Room?
Try the Silver Stars Live Virtual Baby Boomer Boot Camp & Fit For Life Personal Training program!
This is what you'll receive:
  1. Personalized Attention: 45 minute LIVE high energy small group classes/sessions or our Fit For Life personal training using either Zoom, Facetime, Skype or whatever platform you’re comfortable using.
  2. Accountability: You will have a set appoinment to train with one of our expereinced coaches each week, just like you would training at our studio. You’ll also receive daily fitn tips and motivational text messages to help keep you on track.
  3. Well Balanced Program: Our program consists of cardio drills, balance, power, overall strength and flexibility all within a high energy and fun 45 minute session.
  4. Free On- Line Consualtion: We will discuss your goals, fitness level and health history. In addtion, we’ll look at your posture, balance and overall strength and give you some valauable tips!
This is not what you'll get:
  1. Pre-recorded session, a live stream class where it is up to you to login or a generic session or class that is one size fits all!

Virtual Classes

Call or email For Your Free Virtual Consualtion Now!

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