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The Amazing Water Bottle Workout: No Gym? No Weights? No Problem!


Offers the simplest, most practical approach to fitness, anywhere, anytime. A liter of water weights threee pounds; a gallon weights nine pounds, making water bottles, (plastic or stainless) the best possible resistance devices. All it takes is a water bottle for an efficient, affordable, and effective workout.

Editorial Reviews


” Well- written book, easy – to – do exercises which can be done virtually anywhere!” –P.Sarosi , M.D.

‘ Jason Greenspan has created a practical, comprehensive and fun way to get fit without going to a gym. As a physician, I thank him. “ –Dr. Stephano Ravalli, Cardiologist

” Jason Greenspan has created a practical, comprehensive and fun way to get fit without going to a gym. As a physician, I thank him. “ –Dr. Stephano Ravalli, Cardiologist –This text refers to the paperback edition.

About the Author

Jason S. Greenspan is President and Founder of Practical Fitness & Wellness, Inc., a fitness management company located in New York City and Silver Stars Fitness, a fitness studio that specializes in working with the baby boomer client. He is author of The Amazing Water Bottle Workout: No Gym, No Weights, No Problem!, he has been featured in GNC’s magazine “Well Bella,” the Washington Post, New York Post, Penthouse Magazine,, Crains Magazine,, Men’s Fitness, Well+Good and was a guest on the Frankie Boyer health & fitness talk radio show, NY1 and CBS.

A writer as well as a licensed massage therapist in New York City since 1975. She is particularly knowledgeable in the fields of nutrition, health, and stress management. –This text refers to the hardcover edition.

Product details

ASIN โ€ : โ€Ž B01CZ2J39E
Publisher โ€ : โ€Ž Basic Health Publications, Inc.; 1st edition (March 1, 2010)
Publication date โ€ : โ€Ž March 1, 2010
Language โ€ : โ€Ž English
File size โ€ : โ€Ž 1173 KB
Text-to-Speech โ€ : โ€Ž Enabled
Enhanced typesetting โ€ : โ€Ž Enabled
X-Ray โ€ : โ€Ž Not Enabled
Word Wise โ€ : โ€Ž Enabled
Print length โ€ : โ€Ž 88 pages

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